
Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating

BridgePoint welcomes participants with disordered eating and diagnosed eating disorders. Wait! What is the difference?

Disordered eating refers to a wide range of abnormal eating behaviors, many of which are shared with diagnosed eating disorders. The main thing differentiating disordered eating from an eating disorder is the level of severity and frequency of behaviors. Most individuals who are diagnosed with an eating disorder start out by doing some kind of disordered eating. For example, people who diet are more likely to develop an eating disorder. It is important to recognize the signs of disordered eating and to get help before the problem gets worse. That way you may prevent an eating disorder from developing. The treatment of disordered eating and eating disorders works best when it is started early in the illness.

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Facts and Statistics in Canada

The ages at which the onset of eating disorders are reported

8% 11% 12% 63% 10 YEARS AND YOUNGER 11 - 15 YEARS OLD 16 - 20 YEARS OLD 25 YEARS AND ABOVE

Did you know?

Only 10% of those with an eating disorder get help.

Do you know that of all mental illnesses, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate? Unfortunately, this is a true statement. What’s more, of people who have eating disorders, 10 to 20 percent eventually die from complications. Eating disorders kill... But they don’t have to. Data provided to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women for their Report on Eating Disorders Among Girls and Women in Canada (released November 2014) suggest that as many as 600,000 to 900,000 Canadians meet the diagnostic criteria for an Eating Disorder at any given time.

Approximately 3% of women will be affected by an eating disorder during their lifetime.

Eating disorders affect girls and women more than boys and men.

Factors believed to contribute to eating disorders include biological and personal factors as well as society's promotion of the thin body image.

Eating disorders carry with them a high risk of other mental and physical illnesses that can lead to death.

Since 1987, hospitalizations for eating disorders in general hospitals have increased by 34% among young women under the age of 15 and by 29% among 15-24 year olds.