In the case of Crisis or Emergency, please call 911 immediately.
BridgePoint has compiled some of our favorite resources into a handy resource guide suitable for those with lived experience and their supports.
CMHA Saskatchewan provides advocacy, helping to identify resources to assist consumers of mental health services. CMHA Saskatchewan Division Staff provide support to mental health consumers, their families and supporters to contribute to meaningful solutions which can help lead to a better quality of life.
For more information please contact the Sask Division of Canadian Mental Health Association toll free in Saskatchewan at: 1-800-461-5463 or call 306-525-5601 or email for further information at:
The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a Canadian non-profit providing resources on eating disorders & weight preoccupation. Helpline open until 9pm EST Toll FREE 1-866-633-4220
Mental Health supports only a phone call away
HealthLine is a free and confidential, 24-hour health information and support telephone line for professional health advice. It is staffed by experienced and specially trained client navigators, registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and social workers.
To reach HealthLine 811, all you need to do is dial the numbers 8-1-1. The call is completely free. Deaf and hard-of-hearing residents can access HealthLine 811 by using the SaskTel Relay Operator service at 1-800-855-1155. Everyone across the province has access to HealthLine 811 24 hours a day, seven days a week; no matter if you live in rural or urban communities, or in the north or south of the province.
Saskatchewan Health Authority Community Mental Health Intake
Community Mental Health programs are available in your community by calling your local mental health intake line. Mental health intake can help you find resources that you need. Direct and indirect clinical and counselling services are available for adults in Saskatchewan. Direct Services include diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of mental health problems, as well as counselling and support for community clients. Indirect services take the form of consultation and support to other agencies.
Building a recovery team is a personal process, and not all of these options will be necessary for everyone. It’s important to explore what resonates with you and to have the flexibility to adjust the team as needed. A combination of professional expertise, peer support, and personal commitment is often the best path toward healing.
A number of the components in the BridgePoint program are pieces from The Haven. If you wish to get more information on their program, please contact them. The Haven offers programs in a group setting, focusing on self-responsible relational living. Our innovative approach and highly skilled faculty have inspired thousands to define and shape their lives. Toll Free (800) 222-9211 Website: Email: