

Module 1 “Laying the Foundation”

3 weeks | ages 16+ | medical and psychiatric stability required 


Healing does not happen in isolation.  Using the power of group work and being in community, BridgePoint's Module 1 program is focused on participants exploring their relationship with themselves.  Participants have the opportunity to practice using curiosity, the additive approach and the 1% while unpacking their thoughts, emotions and behaviours regarding topics such as values, family of origin dynamics, vulnerability, the change process, development of effective communication skills and boundaries, self-compassion and the polyvagal theory.


With the support of your home team, along with medical and psychiatric stability, you are able to self-refer or be referred to a module.   




Module 1 & Module 2 Applications    (Your counsellor will need to fill out Part B and your Primary Care Provided will fill out Part C.  You can submit part A before we receive Part B and C of the application)


Module 1 Program Dates:




Module 2 “Building The Bridges”  - ages 16+

2 weeks | ages 16+ | medical and psychiatric stability required

The focus of Module II is on the development of the self in relationships.



Module 1 & Module 2 Applications  (Your counsellor will need to fill out Part B and your Primary Care Provided will fill out Part C. You can submit Part A while waiting for the other parts to be completed)


Module 2 Program Date:




Body Trust  

1 week | ages 16+ | medical and psychiatric stability required 


A 7-day Body Trust group based on the Body Trust Story and Workshop would guide participants through an immersive journey toward reconnecting with their bodies in compassionate, non-judgmental ways.   Through daily group discussions, experiential activities, and individual reflection, participants explore a framework that promotes healing, fosters empowerment and encourages lasting change.


Grounded in principles of self-acceptance, resilience, and liberation from diet culture, the program would cover core Body Trust concepts, including: