What to Expect
Our team has diverse and integrated strengths, talents and resources to support your needs. Thank you for taking this step in your healing journey.
The residential nature of the program means that there are always opportunities for reflection, learning and growth. Exploration and sharing takes place within a group setting during the module. The experience of living in community is profound as it offers a sense of belonging and inclusion and allows for mutual support. Struggling with an eating disorder can be a very lonely, painful existence. We understand this. Some of us have been there.
Arrival Times:
- Retreats – Doors open at 3pm (NEW TIMES)
- Modules – Doors open at 3pm
If you arrive prior to this time, you will be able to wait in the front lobby until team is ready.
If you are getting a ride, please ensure that your ride does not leave until you have been fully admitted into the program.
*We are currently not testing for COVID-19, however this is reviewed frequently and may be resumed dependant on risk.

Program Schedule:
Programs run from 9am until 9pm with a full day of group learning, community and personal opportunity time.
A sample day looks like this:
- 8:00am Breakfast
- 8:30am Team Meeting
- 9:00am Group Session (various modalities, discussions and tools, including yoga, creative expressions, breathwork, etc)
- 11:30am Personal opportunity time
- 12:00pm Lunch
- 1:00pm Group Session (various modalities, discussions and tools, including yoga, creative expressions, breathwork, etc)
- 3:30pm Personal opportunity time
- 4:30pm One-on-one sessions with Team
- 5:30pm Supper
- 6:30pm Group Session (various modalities, discussions and tools, including yoga, creative expressions, breathwork, etc)
- 9:00pm Personal opportunity time
- 10:30pm Wind down
- 11:00pm Shhh! Lights out
Dining and Kitchen Info:
- The program at BridgePoint is holistic in approach, and therefore does not focus on food or eating. Dining together in community is an important part of the program.
- BridgePoint provides three meals and snacks as part of the program. The food services team provides homemade baking, soups, some breakfast and noon food prep, and the evening meal prep. We try our best to provide participants with healthy and nutritious menu choices.
- Please let the registrar know as far in advance of your program as possible, if you have food sensitivities or allergies. If your allergies are severe enough to require you to carry an epi pen, please inform us as well. NOTE: We are a PEANUT Free facility due to severe allergies.
- We do our best to accommodate special diets, but we cannot guarantee that all requests can be offered. It may be best to bring some of your own specialty foods. There is a participant fridge onsite that you can store your food items in. We do provide some vegetarian choices, some which would be suitable for vegans. Our kitchen is not equipped to provide Kosher/Halal meals and cannot provide the level of Gluten Free foods that someone with Celiac disease would require.
- We ask you not to binge on community food, so please bring your own binge food if you think you will require it.
- There is always a continental-type breakfast available which includes boiled eggs, a variety of cold cereals, apples, oranges, bananas, yogurt, cottage cheese, sliced cheese, nuts, margarine and butter, jam, honey and home baking such as muffins or scones or quick breads like banana bread. Occasionally a hot cereal will be offered. The toaster area includes Whole Wheat and Rye breads.
- At the noon and evening meal there is always a salad bar that includes lettuce, seasonal vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, boiled eggs, seasonal fruit, vegetable dips, condiments, a variety of pickles, and a nuts. Also the toaster area is always available. Other salad bar ingredients can include an alternative protein (canned salmon or tuna; salads such as bean, potato or pasta etc; beans or lentils).
- The noon meal always has a crock of soup or chili available, and will sometimes be vegetarian.
- The evening meal consists of a protein, starch and vegetable, or a casserole type dish.
- Proteins served include a variety of beef, pork, chicken or turkey, fish, eggs, cheese/dairy, legumes or lentils.
- Starchy sides may include potatoes, sweet potato, rice, pasta, quinoa, couscous or breads.
- Vegetables may be frozen, canned or fresh, and is often chosen by participants.
- There is always coffee, tea, milk, apple or orange juice and water available. We also provide Almond or Coconut milk from time to time for those with lactose sensitivities.
What to Expect in the Kitchen during COVID19:
Past participants will know that BridgePoint has had community kitchen duties and community meals as part of our program. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 precautions, some changes need to be made to make our community safe. With these changes, the kitchen and meal process will be different and we will do everything we can to ensure a community environment around mealtime remains. Some guidelines we will be following when returning to BridgePoint:
- Team members will be serving hot meals to participants. Participants may be asked quantity and can help guide Team members to ensure food choices and preferences are being met. Team members will use trauma informed language and hold NO judgement around your choices at mealtime. We want to ensure our participants our goal is that our philosophy regarding mealtime remains in place, and this is simply a step we need to take due to Covid-19 restrictions. Please do your best to ask for what you want and need. Like always, there will be team support around mealtime. Reach out for support as needed!
- There will be 6-foot distancing in place as participants wait in line for meals. Participants will enter the kitchen one at a time to gather their meals.
- We will be splitting up for our community meals for social distancing. Team members will be present at BOTH dining tables.
- Participants will be asked to wipe down their areas at the table before and after eating. Team will also be sanitizing tables and chairs in between meals to ensure sanitation.
- There will be a snack cooler, coffee bar and breakfast that is self-serve. These areas will include single package items. Participants will be asked to sanitize items they have touched. Team will be sanitizing these areas in between meals to ensure sanitation.
- Bringing your own food. As always, at BridgePoint we try our best to accommodate a wide variety of options to allow everyone to eat according to their preference. With Covid-19 restrictions, some food items may not be available. Those wishing to bring their own food, can do so, as there will be space available to store snacks and prepped meals. Participants will not be able to cook or prep their meals in the kitchen. A microwave will be provided. A menu will be provided ahead of time to coordinate this as best as possible.
BridgePoint's privacy policy can be found here.